Legal and Official Information
Mr A Ncontsa (Chairman), Mr P Bode, Mrs P Ellis, Mrs H Newton-King, Mr E Phakathi, Ms B Kuzwayo, Mr N Baloyi, Mr C Lewis
Mr I Hirji, Mr J Ngubane
Dr G Hughes, Mr P Goss
Dr Shanitha Singh
Dr Jean Harris
Dr Roelie Kloppers
If you require the following documents please email
- BBBEE Certificate
- WILDLANDS Trust Deed
- WILDLANDS’ Green Community Development Trust Deed (applicable to WILDENTERPRISE)
- Financials
Ethics Hotline – In 2015 the WILDTRUST launched their very own ETHICS HOTLINE. You can contact the WILDTRUST Ethics & Fraud Hotline anonymously to report all fraud and corruption. Should you wish to share knowledge of unethical activity call 0800 828 688 or Whatsapp 0860 004 004. You can also email
Alternatively, you may also anonymously log a complaint using the following channels.
SMS Number: 49017
Free Post BNT165, Advance Call Pty (Ltd), Brooklyn Square, 0075
Website and online chat complaints can be logged at
Safeguard Disclosure & Project Grievance Mechanism Notices
Building socio-ecological resilience to climate change impacts by ecosystem-based adaptation approaches at iSimangaliso MPA – Funded by the Blue Action Fund
Environmental & Social Management System (ESMS) 30-DAY DISCLOSURE
WILDTRUST is in the final stages of a project proposal to the Blue Action Fund for the “Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA)” call for proposals supported by the Green Climate Fund. As part of this proposal, we were required to engage independent consultants to conduct an Environmental & Social Assessment (ESA) and develop preliminary Safeguards for the “Building socio-ecological resilience to climate change impacts by ecosystem-based adaptation approaches at iSimangaliso MPA” project. We are also required to publicly disclose our “Safeguard Package” for 30 days before Blue Action Fund’s Supervisory Board can take a final funding decision. This disclosure includes the following documents (also available on the Blue Action Fund’s Website):
English Safeguards:
- Annex A: Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)
- Annex B: Grievance Mechanism
- Annex C: Process Framework
- Annex D: Gender Action Plan (GAP)
Zulu Safeguards:
The disclosure starts from the 8th May 2023 and runs for 30 calendar days until and including the 6th of June 2023. Any comments received will be collated for the Blue Action Fund before a final decision to implement the project.
This Project Safeguards Disclosure Document Summary contains information drawn from the project proposal, the independent Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) conducted by consultants and associated safeguards prepared by the WILDTRUST. Safeguards include the Environmental & Social Management Plan (ESMP) and associated annexures: Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Grievance Mechanism, Process Framework and Gender Action Plan (GAP). The Summary will also clarify how the project intends to disclose this information, to demonstrate our efforts to clearly communicate this information through formats and channels that are accessible to stakeholders and project-affected people.
It is important to note that stakeholders with access to the Summary and Grievance Mechanism only, can request further/more detailed information as part of the stakeholder engagement process, and this information will be provided in a timely and accessible manner. Any comments or queries should be sent on or before the 6th June 2023 to
Oceans Alive iSimangaliso MPA Project – Funded by the Blue Action Fund
For any WILDTRUST Oceans Alive Project Grievances (i.e. any complaint, comment, question, concern, suggestion about the way a project is being implemented), please download this form, and send in an email to the WILDTRUST ESMS Manager at with “OCEANS ALIVE GRIEVANCE” in the subject line.
uThukela MPA Ecosystem Based Management Project – Funded by the Blue Action Fund
For any WILDTRUST uThukela EbA Project Grievances (i.e. any complaint, comment, question, concern, suggestion about the way a project is being implemented), please download this form, and send in an email to the WILDTRUST ESMS Manager at with “UTHUKELA EBA GRIEVANCE” in the subject line.