Supporting WILDENTERPRISE (the trading arm of the WILDTRUST) means your Enterprise Development funding can be used to contribute to community-based green solutions and make a real difference in the lives of poor communities, all while improving your B-BBEE scorecard.
From water and waste-recycling initiatives, to tree sales, restoration, eco-tourism and SMME development, WILDENTERPRISE offers you a win-win ED solution, that is building a cleaner, greener South Africa while benefiting your business.
WILDENTERPRISE is a Social Enterprise established by the Wildlands Conservation Trust. It has been established to realize the green economy based, pro-poor economic development opportunities, arising from the Trust’s activities within the communities it is currently working with. WILDENTERPRISE has two shareholders, the WILDLANDS Conservation Trust (40%) and the WILDLANDS’ Green Community Development Trust (60%). The WILDLANDS Green Community Development Trust has been structured to give beneficial black ownership status to the company.
View WCT Trust Deed and LOA.
View WGCDT Trust Deed and LOA.
In practice, well over 95% of the combined beneficiaries (verified by Price Waterhouse Coopers – PWC) of the two Trusts are black individuals from poor urban and rural communities. WILDENTERPRISE represents a new generation Enterprise Development company, aimed at using best business practice to stimulate local economic development whilst generating “profit for non-profit purposes.”
*Ownership Analysis document & AFS documentation available on request
If you need information about how you can make your enterprise development funding count CONTACT US