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YES Programme

The Youth Employment Services (YES) programme is a collaboration between government and various sectors of society to address youth unemployment across South Africa. The programme, funded by Nedbank provides one-year quality work-placements aimed at affording practical and meaningful work experiences for unemployed youth between the ages of 18 and 29. 


Now in its 5th year, WILDTRUST, through its terrestrial and marine programmes together with its partners created employment for 1174 youth in this financial year. The youth were placed across Mpumalanga, Western and Eastern Cape as well as KwaZulu-Natal provinces. The jobs offered exposed the youth to diverse and unique opportunities to upskill and prepare them for future employment that will directly or indirectly impact the environment and conservation sector.


Youth4MPAs was initiated by youth with the support of WILDTRUST. Youth4MPAs advocates for the proclamation and expansion of old and new MPAs with people and the planet in mind. It aims to capacitate, encourage, and educate people about ocean health and protection, while elevating the voice of the youth in conservation.

The youth movement has significantly influenced ocean advocacy in South Africa through workshops and activations and through their engagements with government. The movement has created a group of well-connected, informed leaders in ocean conservation who are actively engaging to ensure youth inclusion in these processes.

Justice 4 Jaws

The aim of Justice 4 Jaws is to educate and inspire the youth and environmentally conscious public about sharks and rays and to help improve the perception of sharks, by spreading positive facts, encounters and why sharks are important for the marine ecosystem's health, and thus, for the planet. This year Justice 4 Jaws focused on concluding several educational workshops relating to the Ecosystem of people involved in shark and ray conservation and the environments impacting them.


The Oceans For All Alliance (OFAA) is an initiative started by the I AM WATER Foundation based in Cape Town, South Africa. I AM WATER’s goal is for coastal communities everywhere to experience the wonder of their oceans and steward its gifts. The focus is facilitating ocean experiences for marginalised communities most dependent upon the ocean. OFAA Members facilitate inspiring ocean connection workshops which include an immersive snorkelling component instilling a conservation mindset and healthy emotional development in participants and in May 2022 WILDTRUST became an OFAA member with 9 trained coaches. The OFAA methodology has been adopted and adapted for the KZN region and is being implemented by the WILDTRUST team who held 2 workshops with 65 participants.

Ocean Stewards Project

The Ocean Stewards Project is a capacity building initiative that aims to inform and inspire students about the marine conservation field, through an experiential journey, in order to create a network of informed and passionate stewards for our ocean who will support a sustainable blue economy in South Africa well into the future

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