The following individuals currently serve on the Board of Trustees and provided strategic and governance direction to the WILDTRUST this past year. Executive Trustees are registered with the Master’s Office in Pietermaritzburg and carry out a fiduciary responsibility and duty toward the stakeholders of the WILDTRUST. Our Trustees include committed leaders from diverse backgrounds with vast experience in both the Corporate and Non-Profit sectors. All our Trustees generously volunteer their time and expertise at no cost to the WILDTRUST and are occasionally reimbursed only for travel to project sites and attendance of meetings. Our Trustees also provide exposure for and serve as champions of the WILDTRUST within their respective networks, thereby providing much-appreciated fundraising efforts on behalf of the WILDTRUST.

Executive Trustees
Mrs H Newton-King (Chairperson)
Ms B F Kuzwayo
Mr E S Phakathi
Mr N Baloyi
Mrs P E Ellis
Mr P R Bode
Mrs S de Villiers
Mr C G Lewis
Non-Executive Trustees
Mr I Hirji
Mr JP Ngubane
All Trustees are required to attend a minimum of two Board meetings in a year, and each trustee further contributes to the strategic governance of the Trust by attending Board sub-committee meetings during the year. The Board has established the following five sub-committees to help fulfil its role:
Risk, Audit and Compliance
Finance and Investment
Programmes and Initiatives
Governance and Human Resources
Remuneration Committee
The Trustees of the WILDTRUST voluntarily subscribe to the Independent Code of Governance for NGOs in South Africa. The Independent Code represents a statement of values, principles, and recommended practices, to which all non-profit organisations (NPOs) in South Africa voluntarily subscribe to. The Code does not constitute an official document, nor is it imposed by law. However, it does make provision for a formal written commitment in terms of which an organisation may record its voluntary commitment to subscribe to the core values and core principles of good governance.